Universities and University Systems

Lewis-Burke Associates LLC (Lewis-Burke) provides comprehensive federal representation for institutions of higher education and related organizations, always recognizing that each client’s needs are unique. For some clients, our firm becomes a very public part of their “Washington presence,” while for others, Lewis-Burke remains in the background, providing information on new opportunities and strategic advice on pursuing these opportunities to the Client’s leadership and already-established Washington team.

Associations and Scientific Societies

Lewis-Burke builds Washington presence for scientific societies and coalitions, helping them understand key trends and grow their ability to advocate for policy and funding critical to their members. Services include coalition-building, strategic planning, facilitation to maximize effectiveness of government affairs committees, organization of congressional fly-in days, seminars designed to increase the membership’s understanding of the federal political process as it relates to their mission, and integrity-backed relationship building with members of Congress and federal agencies.

Industry, Management, and Research Organizations

A number of Lewis-Burke’s clients manage major federal research laboratories or research centers. Our representation of these facilities includes activities involving Congressional funding and policy making, as well as the enhancement of relationships with sponsoring federal agencies and key Congressional decision-makers.