NASA’s Heliophysics Division budget underwent a multi-year period of stagnation and decline while other NASA science divisions consistently received funding increases. This was particularly concerning for one Lewis-Burke client with leading capabilities in solar science and experience partnering with NASA on Heliophysics missions.
Lewis-Burke developed an advocacy strategy designed to foster congressional support for the Heliophysics Division. The strategy recognized that NASA Heliophysics lacked both an effective message and an organized constituency to carry it. Lewis-Burke began by crafting a messaging approach that connected the recommendations of the solar and space physics community with congressional priorities for space exploration. Lewis-Burke then worked with the client to form a coalition of universities with ties to the NASA Heliophysics Division.
This concerted advocacy effort enabled multiple universities to simultaneously promote a single set of community-driven priorities to congressional appropriators. Lewis-Burke’s efforts were ultimately successful. Between FY 2018 and FY 2020, funding for the Heliophysics Division has increased by $37 million, bringing total funding for NASA Heliophysics to the highest level it has seen in a decade.