Talent and WorkforceDevelopment Practice
The Talent and Workforce Development Practice is a preeminent voice and thought leader on issues at the nexus of education and workforce development policy. The practice helps elevate client visibility in the workforce policy landscape and advancing priorities in upskilling, reskilling, career pathways, and work- based learning that continue to drive bipartisan investment.
Who We Are
Clients routinely tap into the Practice’s decades of experience working with Congress, the White House, and federal agencies to advance their talent and workforce development priorities. A Department of Labor “Apprenticeship Ambassador” and recognized thought leader, the Practice positions clients to address critical workforce development challenges that can advance economic opportunity and respond to global competition.
The Practice provides clients with cutting-edge analyses of new and updates to established federal programs, keeping them up to date on the latest opportunities in the talent and workforce policy landscapes.
As thought leaders in workforce and education policy, the Practice actively shapes future federal investments by leveraging longstanding relationships with Congress, the White House, and agency leadership.
By leveraging relationships across the federal government, the Practice suggests and implements strategies designed to elevate its clients’ profile and enhance agency and congressional engagement, enabling clients to shape and pursue strategic opportunities.
Early information on new programs, potential funding solicitations, and legislative or agency proposals allows clients to competitively position themselves and influence policies at the earliest stages.